Bible studies
“Creating environments where authentic community can take place. Building relational, transforming communities where people are experiencing oneness with God and oneness with one another. Creating communities that are so satisfying and so compelling that they create thirst and desire in a watching world.”
(Taken from “Creating Community” by Stanley and Willits, 39-45)
The Bible in 90 days challenge
“When I study the Bible, I prepare myself to talk to others. “When I read the Bible, God talks to me.” —D. L. Moody
Ever read through the whole Bible? Feel ready for such a challenge? Why not join us as we embark on The Bible in 90 Days challenge. Through reading 12 pages a day, for 90 days, you’ll read through the entire Bible.
The Bible in 90 Days is a course that breaks down the Bible into bite-sized pieces, so that what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge, becomes doable and enjoyable!
Each week you will receive teaching via a 30 minute video by a reputable Bible scholar, providing you with an overview of the main themes of the Bible, explanations of how both Old and New Testaments weave together, and a better understanding of God’s heart and purpose for you.
The course runs starting every Spring. To find out more contact Liz Hill O'Shea at betheltrustpt@gmail.com
General Bible study
Every Monday, 10am and Thursday at 10.30am at Bethel Community Church, join us for our Small Group Bible studies where we will support and encourage each other in our daily lives, learn more about God and the Bible, and pray for each other.
If you support a supportive and confidential place to talk, and would like to grow in your relationship with God, then come along and be encouraged and strengthened in your faith.
To know more contact the Bible study leaders, Pastor Shaun O'Keefe or Louise O'Keefe at betheltrustpt@gmail.com
The Alpha course
The Alpha course is a course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith described by its organisers as “an opportunity to explore the meaning of life”. Alpha courses are being run in churches, homes, workplaces, prisons, universities and a wide variety of other locations. The course is being run around the world by all major Christian denominations and 17 million have done the course to date.
At Bethel, we regularly run Alpha courses, depending on the demand. This course is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Christian faith. We will be holding ten sessions during a weekday afternoon, and each session begins with refreshments and a chat, followed by a video and open discussion. Please note this course is free and everyone is welcome.
If you would like to know more about Alpha, or are interested in signing up, please contact Anthony Hill O'Shea at betheltrustpt@gmail.com